Monday, March 2, 2020

Net Worth Update: February, 2020

From last month's update:

Our February budget right now is aiming for a 22.6% savings rate, so if the market holds still for a month, we're looking at a net worth change of ~€1000-€2000.


Instead, our net worth declined to $59,706/€54,826, which is a decline of 4.3% and 3.07% respectively.

Stocks Plunge

The reason is clear. In the last weeks of February, and especially in the last week, the international stock markets plunged. My portfolio went down right alongside it.

The reason for the drop is typically blamed on the outbreak of the coronavirus. That may have been the catalyst, but it's also true that the markets had been running up in valuation, and there was likely going to be something that triggered a pullback in any case. There's no way to run that alternate experiment though, so nothing is certain.

What is certain, is that I saw that the risk was real at the beginning of the week and began unloading my lowest conviction positions. Something told me that heading into this with margin debt wasn't a great idea, so I trimmed that back, and as of this writing, I'm not using margin at all.

This process has actually been very enlightening, because it's helped me see what gives me confidence in positions during difficult situations. Why are some positions that are in drawdowns fine to hold while others in drawdowns grate on my psyche? It was irritating to sell those positions, to be sure, but the money was lost when I bought them, because I didn't buy them for good reasons. I also sold some things for a profit, and again, these were positions that were my least confident positions. But whether something is in drawdown or at a profit isn't necessarily what gives me confidence.

The past few years has been showing me what it looks like to have confidence in positions. I'm not a professional money manager, so finding confidence to hold individual companies might arise from something different in myself than a professional might have. Something else has to grab me about a position to make it worth the stress of owning it.

Anyway, I think I'll write more about this idea in the future.

Savings Rate

We achieved a savings rate of our mixed pre/post tax income of around 31.5% in February, which was pretty good for us! It is disappointing that the money saved seemed to be fed into the markets with very little return, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

I mentioned last month that my wife wants to buy a piano, so we're saving up the required money over the next year. I couldn't stomach the idea of cutting from our asset-building savings to save up for it, so it's coming from both of our BLOW budgets.


Who knows what's going to happen. As I said, I'm out of margin debt as of this writing, partially because I got such a large payment from my company at the end of February. I'm still waiting on more dental stuff refunds, so one day that will come.

But the truth is the markets will determine what happens over the next month. I've put in the money, and now I have to wait just like everyone else. Much as I hate to see past money lose value, my future money would appreciate lower asset prices, so I'm of two minds regarding what I want.

Tja, wir sehen mal.

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