Sunday, September 16, 2018

How Our Current Budget is Constructed

For the past few years, we've been using Google Sheets for our budget, and it's worked very well. The original idea came from Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, but as with anything you work at over years, we've made it our own.

I'm in the process of doing some alterations, so I wanted to document how we're doing it now before I  take too many next steps away from the current system.

The basics are as follows:

  • We use Google Sheets because it's easily shareable, it's extensible, and it's actually very feature-rich. Plus there are lots of people writing about it and sharing spreadsheets to steal ideas from. 
  • The budget tracks our spending cash amounts in Germany. It's all in euros. If you added up the German credit cards, Girokonto and cash, it should basically equal the Remainder amount in the active budget month. 
  • One sheet is a master list of transactions. In my last post I discussed the kinds of information stored there. We use "Date", "Vendor", "Budget Month","Category", "Amount" (with minus signs for expenses), and "Notes" in case there's non-repeating useful information. Both income and expenses are listed on the transactions list. 
  • Following that are individual sheets for each month with the following structure: 
    • On the left-most column are the categories with headings for "Income", "Saving", "Expenses", and "Totals". 
    • The second column has expected amounts. Some of these are recurring expenses such as rent, and some are unique, such as "Travel" and "Household". The latter refers to general expenses that my wife and I agree on. 
    • In the income section are our jobs and other occasionally recurring income sources in addition to the remaining or deficient money from the previous month. A month of frugality gives us money in the next month while a month of spending leaves us with less. Ideally though, there's neither a deficit or surplus because we don't overspend, and we try to save everything that isn't earmarked for something else ASAP.
    • A special sub category is "BLOW". We each get the exact same "BLOW" each month, and it's just the leftover amounts after everything else is accounted for. "BLOW" is basically money one of us may spend without asking the other person, and we tend to put clothing purchases, restaurant visits, coffee, presents, etc. into "BLOW". Basically, there's a subtotal added up of the other categories, and then the blow cells are that amount divided by two. The exception is when we know we're going to spend more in a month than we bring in, in which case "BLOW" goes to zero. More on this later. 
    • To the right of this column is "Actual", which contains the amounts as they're added to the master "Transactions" list. When building your spreadsheet, the =SUMIFS() function is your friend. The idea is to SUM everything from the "Amount" column of the "Transactions" list, if it matches both the "Category" and the "Budget Month". 
    • To the right of that is a simple subtraction function that shows the remaining amount. Subtract "Actual" from "Expected", and you get a number. Multiply that by -1 to get something a bit more useful. For example, if you expect -100 but only spend -50 you'd have 50 remaining following this approach.
    • At the bottom are the various totals and subtotals. One cell represents the actual remaining money after everything is accounted for. That gets referenced next month. 
  • One sheet looks just like a month sheet, but it adds up everything from the year. This lets us plan out yearly spending and check our progress as the year goes on. 
Not too crazy, right? It takes awhile to build the spreadsheet, but it's pretty easy to manage once it gets going. It kind of looks like this:

Category Estimate Actual Remainder
MyJob A number SUMIFS calculation =SUM(B2-C2)*-1
HerJob etc. etc. etc.
Last Month Leftover
Credit Card
Student Loan
Car Loan
MyBLOW =IF(B24<0, 0, IF(C9>0,0, SUM(B24/-2)))
HerBLOW =IF(B24<0, 0, IF(C9>0,0, SUM(B24/-2)))
Total Income These cells
Total Expenses (with BLOW) are full
Total Expenses (no BLOW) of SUM
Remainder (before BLOW) functions and
Remainder (after BLOW) basic math.

Saving/Paying Off Debt

When saving any money, it looks like an expense. When drawing from savings, it looks like income. Both get the same category, so that at the end of the year, it's easy to tell whether a net amount was saved vs. drawn from. So if we save €2.000 in February but withdraw €1500 from savings in April, we have a net €500 savings amount. 

You can have several sub-categories of savings, such as Retirement, Tagesgeld (basically the German low interest savings account), Emergency Fund, or whatever you want. Same rules apply for each. 

We are out of debt, but when we were paying it off, payments were an expense like any other.

Credit Cards

We use credit cards, but they are paid off every month automatically. Therefore, a credit card purchase gets added to the transaction list like a cash or a direct debit transaction. 

More about BLOW

A bit more about "BLOW". This can only work if you and your spouse are on the same page and are pretty frugal. Since BLOW is the remainder, and any savings appear just like spending earlier in the budget, there's an incentive to under-save earlier in the budget to give yourself extra BLOW. "Hey, if I don't save anything this month I can buy the new phone/bike/camera/console/computer/dress/coat/hat/etc." This is why deciding on a standard amount of monthly BLOW ahead of time is important. We budget around €200 per person per month as BLOW. Honestly, I'd like to even lower this number further because it really adds up, but that amount is low enough to not allow giant expensive purchases while allowing a fair amount of freedom, and BLOW covers a lot of stuff.

At the end of the month, BLOW is treated differently. This took me a while to figure out, but there should be some incentive to saving BLOW. Before I figured it out, unspent BLOW just became unspent money for the next month's total household budget, which meant you couldn't save up for anything in the BLOW category. It also meant that overspending on BLOW just got erased into the overall household budget, and that's unfair to the thriftier partner. 

So now, the BLOW amount is zeroed out at the end of one budget month and added into the next budget month. To do that, I add some transactions to the master list. The first makes the current budget month BLOW remainder equal zero. Basically, if the remaining amount is greater than 0, it gets subtracted from the current month and added in a separate transaction to the next month. If the remainder is less than 0, it gets added back to the current month and subtracted from the next month. This happens entirely in the BLOW category cells and doesn't appear as income at the top of the month sheet. 

In this way, BLOW surpluses and deficits follow you from month to month. In a way, it becomes a quasi-separate fictional account that's entirely tracked through the budget spreadsheet. One consequence: the Remainder cell at the end of the month will not include the BLOW remainder once the month is closed out. 

Split Transactions

This system allows for split transactions pretty easily. Just create two transactions from the same vendor on the same date and for the same budget month. Use SUM to show your work in the Amount column to show how you extract part of a transaction from the total.


Why do this? Sometimes I'll buy something as part of a larger transaction that mixes categories. My wife, for example, doesn't drink any alcohol, so if I buy a bottle of wine as part of a grocery spend, I will split that out to be part of my BLOW spend. This helps discourage us from underhandedly saving on BLOW while nominally spending on a shared category. 

Last Stuff

It works for us, but there's no guarantee that it will work for anyone else. Maybe the BLOW incentive is too much temptation. Maybe this seems like too much work. Maybe your significant other is unwilling to help. In any case, budgeting has been worth it for us.

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